Executive SearchWorking Exclusively With Providers of Water, Wastewater & Liquid Process Equipment/Systems Since the 20th Century.
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- Review our ongoing searches
- Make pro-active and targeted contact with hiring managers within your specialty/niche
If your search is passive:
Have a good job now but open to considering a great job?
Wet-tek can contact you when that dream job becomes available.
In 1999 we successfully placed an engineer who had expressed a desire to return to his native Arkansas 3 years earlier. Let us understand your criteria.
Want to understand the big issues affecting the water & wastewater equipment market? Read Smooth Sailing on Shifting Seas
Excerpt from Smooth Sailing on Shifting Seas
“From the standpoint of employment and growth, a professional focus on water and wastewater treatment today is a great idea for an engineer or scientist in the early stages of their career. As competition grows over decades for water rights and clean water, the skills of WEF members will be increasingly valued by society at large. Show up for work, do a good job and — in the long term — career growth will happen. No guarantees that there may not be some tough years along the way, but there is a universally good prognosis for steady growth of your industry in the future. How do individuals capitalize on the trend? Strategic thinkers grow vertically during the boom years that occur during their careers via promotion and salary because they were wise enough to grow horizontally by expanding their skills during the lean years. This is an industry where education, certifications and professional licenses truly matter to employers and end users alike. If an employer will sponsor training and education, employees who bypass the opportunity may come to regret having done so down the road.”